Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Gift of Christmas

Everyone is dashing about with the last minute searching for the right gift to give to others at this special time of the year. It is indeed the time of gift giving....more than any other season of the year....and the retailers are jumping with joy hoping that the crowds will get bigger and bigger. At the same time we are reminded not to get too caught up in the material part of Christmas ...and to remember the real message . I have to say that giving gifts is a part of that message....because when you think about it....that is what Christmas is.. a gift all of us.

If you are a Christian then you would probably think that there is no greater gift than the Birth of the Baby Jesus....and if you are not a Christian... then you can at least accept that there is something magical and special about this Birth. Even the History Channel recognizes the importance of this birth. And whatever your beliefs may be what about jolly old St. Nicholas and his busy gift giving.

We hear of the Gift of the Magi and how the Wise Men brought gifts to the new born Child. No matter what some of us may believe, we follow this tradition . It is a birthday and we celebrate the specialness and magic of this Birthday with giving gifts.

And as we celebrate this birthday, I think of how we feel when we see a new born baby. We feel that innocence not yet tainted by cynicism . We feel all good inside and in spite of the ugliness sometimes of life and the difficult challenges we face, we get the feeling that there is goodness in mankind. Christians believe that this Birth is a reminder that Gopd gave us the gift of redemption ....that He sent His only Son to redeem give us new life. What is nice is that you do not have to be Christian to appreciate this message. The gift is for everyone. According to my beliefs , God sent His Son to everyone people of all faiths... to believers and non believers. Talk about a gift.

And speaking about magic what about Santa. He flies through the air at night. He is everywhere at the same time. He brings gifts to all of God's children along with the thrill and the excitement of the wonder of this moment. Just look at the faces of the children as they awake on Christmas morning and see the magnificence of the moment...the tree with the lights and the gifts all about.

I will never forget my many Christmas mornings and I thank my parents for that special gift they gave me each year even in the hard times when it certainly was not easy for them. They gave me the gift of magic that we all want... the belief that life is wondrous...that life is a miracle...that everything is possible...that we can all hop on that sleigh and grab some of the dreams that we have.

So to all of you I send a gift of love and good wishes. May you and your loved ones have a beautiful Christmas filled with joy and peace and love. Jerrie McGreal

"It is Christmas in the heart that puts Christmas in the air." W. 'T. Ellis

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